Lawmakers file legislation ‘enhancing the security of Florida’s elections’

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Lawmakers filed legislation aimed at “enhancing the security of Florida’s elections” on Thursday.

The sponsors: Republican Reps. Berny Jacques and Chase Tramont.

  • A comparable Senate bill, SB 396, was filed by Republican Sen. Ilena Garcia.

What it doesHB 831 is aimed to “protect the integrity of Florida’s electoral system while ensuring that every eligible citizen has the opportunity to participate,” an announcement said.

  • This initiative “strengthens voter eligibility verification and modernizes state-issued identification requirements to enhance the accuracy and security of the voter registration process.”
  • The bill requires state-issued identification cards to “clearly denote non-citizen status and reinforces citizenship verification requirements for voter registration.”
  • It empowers the Department of State and supervisors of elections to “utilize all available data sources to verify citizenship, ensuring that only eligible citizens participate in Florida’s elections.”

What they’re saying: “Florida’s elections are for Floridians – period,” Jacques said. “This bill defends our sovereignty by ensuring that only citizens have a voice in our state’s future.”

  • “We won’t let foreign influences or fraudulent voters undermine our way of life. Voting isn’t just a civic duty; it’s a right earned by those who have a stake in this state,” he said. “With this bill, we’re protecting our heritage, our values, and our communities. Florida belongs to Floridians, and we’re making sure it stays that way.”
  • “Secured elections are the central component to maintaining our Republic,” Tramont said. “It is essential that we continue to be vigilant and proactive in protecting the integrity of our ballots. American citizens should be the only voters in American elections.”

Next steps: The bill has yet to be assigned to committees.

If approved, it would take effect July 1.

The regular legislative session will begin March 4 and will run through May 2.